Sunday 23 September 2012

Watch Torchwood Season 4 Episode 8 - Entertainment

Watch Torchwood Season 4 Episode 8OH DEAR!!! Watch Torchwood Season 4 Episode 8 this Friday with "End of the Road", while the society is on the verge of falling apart, Rex is forced to take drastic measures. Meanwhile, someone thought to be dead comes back to confront Jack. Join us and watch Torchwood Season 4 Episode 8 online here:


Torchwood is a British science fiction television programme created by Russell T Davies. The series is a spin-off from Davies' 2005 revival of the long-running science fiction programme Doctor Who. As a show, Torchwood has transitioned its broadcast channel every year since its inception, moving from BBC Three to BBC Two to BBC One, and acquiring US financing in its fourth series. In contrast to Doctor Who, whose target audience includes adults as well as children, Torchwood is aimed at an older audience.

Previously on TorchwoodEpisode 1 "Miracle Day"the world's population is gifted with immortality, the human race is doomed to become non-viable within four months as Earth's resources run out. CIA agent Rex Matheson discovers a secret conspiracy for the "miracle" event, and the clues lead him to the old Torchwood institute in Britain.

Episode 2 "Rendition"After the team are reunited, Jack ends up realising that he is now the most vulnerable person on the planet. A trip to America by plane ends up turning into a desperate battle to stay alive.

Episode 3 "Dead of Night"When the Torchwood team takes their chance to run, they are soon confronted with a new adversary that leads Jack to the mysterious Oswald Danes.

Episode 4 "Escape to LA"The Torchwood team follows PhiCorp to California to continue the fight, but walk straight towards a trap. Elsewhere, Oswald and Jilly face their own adversary.Episode 5 "Categories of Life"While their enemy draws closer, Torchwood solves the mystery of the "Miracle Day" and uncovers the horrible truth.Episode 6 "The Middle Men"Jack is left on his own when the rest of the team ends up trapped on different continents. However, time is running out and leaving him no choice than to go straight to the heart of the conspiracy.

Episode 7 "Immortal Sins"to keep her family safe, Gwen is forced to follow and uncover the Miracle's long history.

Torchwood follows the exploits of a small team of alien-hunters, who make up the Cardiff, Wales branch of the fictional Torchwood Institute, which deals mainly with incidents involving extraterrestrials. Its central character is Captain Jack Harkness (John Barrowman), an immortal ex-con man from the distant future who has lived on Earth since the 19th century; Jack originally appeared in the 2005 series of Doctor Who. Under Jack's leadership, the formerly morally ambivalent organisation operates under a much more humanist ethos. Other than Barrowman, the series' initial main cast consisted of Eve Myles, Burn Gorman, Naoko Mori and Gareth David-Lloyd. Their characters are each specialists for the Torchwood team, often tracking down aliens and defending the planet from alien and nefarious human threats. In its first two series, the show uses a time rift in Cardiff as its primary plot generator, accounting for the unusual preponderance of alien beings in Cardiff. Gorman and M ori's characters were written out of the programme after the second series. Recurring actor Kai Owen was promoted to the main cast in series three, in which David-Lloyd too was written out. Subsequently, American actors Mehki Phifer, Bill Pullman and Alexa Havins join the cast of the show for its fourth series.

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Eric Gozlan?s ?Beautiful Boy? - News

"Beautiful Boy" a production of Gold Rush Entertainment is set for release in June 2011. The movie is produced by, the president and CEO of Goldrush Entertainment Inc, Eric Gozlan. The movie has already achieved recognition by winning the the International Film Critics prestigious Prize at the 2010 Toronto International Film Festival. It was premiered on September 12, 2010 at the 35th Toronto International Film Festival in Toronto, Canada. It was also the official selection at the Tokyo International Film Festival and San Sebastian International Film Festival. The movie is written and directed by Shawn Ku. He is an extremely talented director. He has also won the Grand Jury Prize - Special Mention at AFI Fest for Samara (2001) for amazing performance by an actor. He also won the Special Jury Award at the Florida Film Festival in 2004 for inspired musical filmmaking for Pretty Dead Girl (2004). He recently won the 2010 International Critics' Award at the Toronto Internation al Film Festival in the discovery category for Beautiful Boy (2010). The movie contains power-packed performances by the brilliant Michael Sheen and Maria Bello. They both are extremely talented and vivacious actors. Their performances in the movie have once again proved their flair. Michael Sheen is an extremely experienced actor and has won several awards at the Kansas City film Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, Toronto Film Association Awards and Evening Standard British Film Awards. Maria Bello has also won many awards such as the Screen Actors Guild Award, the Blockbuster Entertainment Award, the Satellite Award, and more at the Central Ohio Film Critics Association Awards,Chicago Film Critics Association Awards, Kansas City Film Critics Circle Awards,New York Film Critics Circle Awards, the Online Film Critics Society Award and the Dixie Film Festival Awards. Michael Sheen and Maria Bello lived the characters of a troubled couple who are going throu gh a rough patch in their marriage. They are at the verge of getting a divorce and decide to give their marriage one more chance by planning a family vacation. It is then that their life is shattered by the news. Their 18-year old son was responsible for carrying out a mass shootout at his college followed by him taking his own life. The movie showcases the grief of the devastated parents. They try to question what went wrong in their child's upbringing that made their son take such a brutal step. It shows the pain they endure after the incident. It is an emotional story that holds the attention of the audience right up until the very last scene.

You can get more information about Eric Gozlan by visiting Film Investment

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Friday 21 September 2012

Democracy Watch, 2011 - Issue 13 - Society - Politics

Entrepreneurs on the roads and teachers on the streets, the government faces mass protest as well as allegations of apathy towards corruption. The Prosecutor General's Office bringing charges against former president Kuchma added some excitement to the political arena of Ukraine.

Continuing protests of entrepreneurs become "AutoMaidan"

The professed Ukrainian East-West divide was undermined recently as entrepreneurs from around the country united in protest against the latest batch of tax legislation brought about by the current government. Automobiles from Lviv, Lugansk, Mariupol and other cities from the eastern and western regions came to Kyiv to create a new form of protest already referred to as "AutoMaidan". The automobile protest lasted from the 21st till the 25th of March and ended with a rally at Kyivs European Square and presentation of demands to the government under the slogan "Take Ukraine away from the oligarchs and return it to its citizens". The event gathered over 500 entrepreneurs and a number of deputies from the opposition.

The protesters demanded the protection of the Constitution, called for an end to economic repression and social experiments under the mask of reform and requested favourable conditions for the development of business and the national economy. The participants of the motor rally also demanded that the government accept the legislative initiatives of the Entrepreneurs Council of Ukraine in the area of small and medium-sized business, which have been introduced for consideration in parliament. Over 200 organisations and trade unions participated in the discussion stage of these initiatives. Considering this delicate issue, Prime-Minister Azarov encharged the ministers of finance, justice, labour and social policy with the task of reviewing the aforementioned legislative initiatives. The Cabinet of Ministers has also criticised the repression of entrepreneurship and the massive shutdown of small and medium-sized businesses by their owners. In the case that protesters' demands remain unheard, and the new Tax Code remains unchanged from the version introduced on April 1, the country may face a new wave of protests.

People First Comment:

There is no limit to human ingenuity. No matter how many laws, or how many police or how much repression this government or the Rada choose to employ, free people will always find a way round it. It is a democratic right to be able to protest and the more governments do to prevent the public from exercising that right, the more creative they will be. This approach is novel as it does not defy the governments new rules on assembly as the people are simply sitting in their own cars and, as far as we know, there is no law against that... yet.

Ukraine is still losing the battle against corruption

Despite the adoption of new legislation, international organisations and the Ukrainian opposition share the opinion that the Ukrainian government is avoiding the real battle against corruption. Experts from the anticorruption organisation Transparency International also expressed concerns in conjunction with the law on public purchases. It is believed that Ukraine loses up to 3 billion Euros in budget funds each year due to inefficient tenders and is suggested that the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, Volodymyr Lytvyn, adapt the law in order to make information on tenders available to the public. Parliament approved the draft law "On the prevention of corruption in Ukraine" in the first reading but left a number of controversial provisions of the law to the second reading. This gave the opposition an opportunity to accuse the governing coalition of faking the fight against corruption. According to Arseniy Yatsenyuk, leader of the "Front Zmin" political party, the majority o f amendments offered by the opposition were rejected.

In the corruption perception index compiled by Transparency International in 2010, Ukraine ranked 134th of 180 nations. GRECO (Group of States against corruption) reported that Ukraine has not taken sufficient measures to combat corruption. EBRD representatives also noted that a high level of corruption does not allow Ukraine to implement structural changes in the agricultural sector.

People First Comment:

Corruption in Ukraine is no longer an abuse of the system it is the system. Corruption has become so endemic that the majority now expect to have to pay some petty bureaucrat something to get anything done. As a result nothing at all gets done and the nation simply grinds along at a snails pace. The new law designed to prevent corruption is farcical as it has been purposefully engineered by the Rada to catch everybody except those who have direct access to the State budget. The most telling example being the removal in the second reading of the clause that would require the families of public officials to make the same income declarations as the official as this would mean that they could not use their wives, children, brothers, sisters and probably their dog as surrogate owners whilst they plead honesty.

The only real way to rid the country of this curse is to follow the Georgian example where the President and all of his inner cabinet agree that corruption is socially, morally, ethically and financially unacceptable. Over the past 10 years the Georgian government has fired almost a million civil servants who had their fingers in the cash till. They tried to rehire around 30% but found that most had not changed from their old ways. Instead they hired young people, paid them properly and engineered a government policy of transparency through the highly visible provision of public services. It has been a spectacular success to the extent that the people now see the Militia as a force for public good where even the family fights and feuds for which Georgia was once famous are now resolved through the law. If Georgia can achieve this, so can Ukraine. Its only a matter of political will.

Charges against former president Leonid Kuchma affect Ukrainian politics

The Prosecutor General's Office has reopened a criminal investigation into former president Leonid Kuchma. He is accused of involvement in the Gongadze murder case. The ongoing criminal investigation involves the re-interrogation of all the witnesses including major Melnichenko who made scandalous records of conversations in the ex-president's office. From a legal perspective, even if Kuchma is found guilty of abusive exercise of power he will not suffer criminal punishment due to the expiry of the period of limitation - over 10 years have passed since the case was first opened. Therefore consequences are limited to reputational.

The reasons why the authorities reopened the Gongadze case with accusations against Kuchma remain unclear. They may need a powerful news item to distract society from the increased interest in social problems or perhaps they are attempting try to restructure Ukrainian politics or pressure the former president's son-in-law Viktor Pinchuk. Another explanation is that the Party of Regions is haunting Leonid Kuchma for his indecision during Orange events in 2004. Legal experts note that if Melnichenko's recordings are admissible in court for this case then such evidence may be used against other politicians who appear on the recordings. The reopening of the Gongadze case may be evidence of an attempt to influence various Ukrainian politicians including the Chairman of Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Lytvyn and Prime-Minister Mykola Azarov. By filing a charge against the former president of Ukraine and pushing the case through the courts the authorities may prove their desire to be se en as possessing respect for justice and the democratic principle of transparency.

People First Comment:

Whatever decisions the government, court, or elite come to the people will not believe either the validity of the accusations or the decisions of the court. This is nothing more than smokescreen designed to give the impression that the administration is clamping down on abuse. Wisely the Old Fox has hired possibly the finest legal council money can buy in order to give the State prosecutors a run for their money however Ukrainian justice being what it is today this case will most likely join the 129,000 other Ukrainian cases waiting to be heard at the European Court of Human Rights.

Whilst we would all agree that those accused of crimes should face their day in court, we should also agree that in democratic society you are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. Clearly President Kuchma has been already tried in the court of public opinion as a result of the hysteria surrounding the authenticity of the Melnichenko tapes. But this does not mean that he is actually guilty. That is for the courts to decide based upon proven fact.

What is sad for public confidence and the whole Ukrainian justice system is that President Yushchenko did not pursue the case as soon as he came to office. Today, irrespective of the decision of the courts, justice will not be seen to have been done especially as the case is now outside the statute of limitation. If this is nothing more than a show trial then President Yanukovich had better plan to be in office for the foreseeable future as what is good for one former President can also apply to others.

Teachers' protest at Ukraines commitment to education

After a long period of relative tranquillity education workers launched campaign of protest against violations of their rights. Late January saw protests in front of the Cabinet of Ministers building, which gathered around 10 thousand members from education trade unions demanding a salary increase. There have been similar protests by teachers in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Lviv (which gathered over 5 thousand of protesters), and other cities of Ukraine. In total the protest movement has attracted over 20 thousand teachers from all over Ukraine.

Prime-Minister Mykola Azarov pulled Dmytro Tabachnyk, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, up for allowing teachers to protest. He stated that the protests are indicative of the irresponsible work of the Minister and the local education administrations that finance education establishments. Azarov reproached Tabachnyk for not engaging the protesters in dialogue. The protests have resulted in a 20% salary increase for all education workers but only from the 1st of September 2011. According to the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Fedir Yaroshenko the government is prepared to allocate a further 420-430 million UAH providing a salary increase for around 350 thousand education workers. Before the teachers' protests there was the students' campaign in many Ukrainian cities that helped to prevent the implementation of changes to high educational establishments, which could have led to higher education fees and a smaller volume of government scholarships.

People First Comment:

There is a point in social dynamics known as the tipping point. It is that point in time where a group will finally say enough is enough and rebel. What is interesting about tipping points is that they cannot be predicted and sometimes cannot be controlled. When 20,000 people come out onto the streets a blind politician might well choose to ignore them as they do not seem to be too much of a threat but in reality this is often an indicator of more dangerous civil unrest boiling just under the surface.

If the government decides to award teachers a pay increase of 20% what about the doctors, nurses and social workers? Are they too not horribly underpaid? Then what about the miners, steel workers and government administrators should they not also be given a 20% pay rise? If the government indulge in selective pacification of one sector of public employees then all the other sectors will have every reason to feel that they too can protest and even go on strike. The net result is that by putting out one fire the government may well reach a tipping point where the rest of society rebels.

Tampering with the education system has made Mr Tabachnyk one of the most unpopular Ministers in the current government. Favouring the teachers over all the other public sectors can only add more fuel to the fire. But when it comes down to fellow party members perhaps, a severe public rebuke is the only punishment Prime Minister Azarov was allowed to administer.

Quote of the week:

People often say that, in a democracy, decisions are made by a majority of the people. Of course, that is not true. Decisions are made by a majority of those who make themselves heard and who vote a very different thing.

Walter H. Judd American politician and statesman

People First Foundation1 Skovorody Street, Kyiv 04070, UkraineTelephone: +38044 536 1508 / Fax +38044 536 1509

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Market Big or Die Extremely fast - Business

2009, Microsoft pulled the promotion on its Kin phones only 48 days when they went on sales.

In recent times, technology companies have happen to be cutting their losses with the help of increasing speed. Google proudly released Wave, its program of collaborative work gear, for the general community in May 2010. The application canceled Wave 77 a short time later. Palm announced the country's first tablet, all the Foleo, on May 30, 2007. By simply Sept. 4, the manufacturer halted development additionally, the product was never advertised.

Absolute Digital, maker for the Flip camcorder, had planned to secrete the Flip-Live on May 13, nonetheless Cisco, which previously had acquired Pure Digital last season, near the entire splitting on April 12.As of late, big technology companies - particularly those with the hypercompetitive smartphone and gadget industries - is commencing to resemble Hollywood film broadcasters. Just about every release needs will probably be blockbuster, as well as only measure of success is the opening-weekend gross. There may be little to no room for your sleeper indie reach that builds good testimonials to become a thorough performer with time.

Anytime Microsoft released the Wii in 2005, insurance carrier widespread reliability issues along with the console faced serious competition within the Nintendo Wii, yet the organization stayed the program, and now the Xbox is among the best-selling video game consoles in recent history. That sort of tenacity is very much in diminishing provide.Some analysts trace the origin of this blockbuster-or-bust mindset to Apple. Each release on the company's popular iPads not to mention iPhones crosses over into being a mainstream media situation. 's Hilwa, an analyst around the research firm IDC, referred to the accelerated lifecycle about high-end hardware while "Darwinian. "

"There's a straight of desperation coming from anyone whose name just isn't Apple, " proclaimed Mr. Hilwa.This crush of technological bloggers and Twitter-using premature adopters who chronicle just of news - bad and good - about new handsets and tablets also raises the stakes around just how well new products perform that you can purchase."You know pretty immediately, and in a highly public way, whether an item is successful or not likely, " talked about Mr. Hilwa.

Akin to opening week at the movies, fast reviews on online panning a fresh tablet or phone could be disastrous for its machines.

"Once you lose traction, it is hard to gain back it, " said Bob Jones, an analyst for Canalys.

The particular rapid life menstrual cycles of products can play together with the affections of people, who may rush out to become the first on the block with a new product, only to uncover that the manufacturer has canceled any future help or development several weeks after it made sale.Neal LoCurto, the master of TeamLogic IT, an i . t . consulting company throughout Syosset, D. Y., said he bought his TouchPad the morning it proceeded sale. "On launching day I visited Best Buy which will morning and waited along at the door, " Mr. LoCurto talked about. "I was the earliest one in as well as first one out there. "

Mr. LoCurto, what person ultimately grew unhappy with the TouchPad due to the lack of blog, got a refund for their TouchPad, yet he says he not even trusts H. K. "I sense you are they lied to all of us, " Mr. LoCurto claimed. "They didn't give it the possibility. "

Companies kill new products and solutions more quickly now due to its higher cost of keeping competitive, believed Jim McGregor, explore director for In-Stat, a market research firm. Fast pulling the plug on an obvious failure makes good sense, is usually can come to be embarrassing."The life cycles have grown short because there is obviously huge competition, " Mr. McGregor says. "Even need to make sure contain a blockbuster, you are aware of you're travelling to get leapfrogged in half a year. You have to turn up with something that knocks off of the pants and then follow it up. You can't basically sit there and assert, 'Hey, I've got profitable. ' "

In the truth of the TouchPad, analysts agree it been unsuccessful because its computer, webOS, had few in the apps that made Apple's ipad 3gs a runaway click, he said. Microsoft's Kin had the same problem.

Mr. McGregor mentioned that Google TV, Google's Internet-connected television accessory, washed out into obscurity as a result of content providers declined to produce their content available. Google had prearranged various manufacturers as partners, for example LG, Toshiba not to mention Sharp, just to tell many of them last December to be able to delay the release on their Google TV products. While Google's strategy for Google TV remains unknown, none of partners have come out with a The search engines TV product."The content may be valued at more than the machine, " says Mr. McGregor. "If a person don't have everything - prefer to, the particular applications and the knowledge - you might drop your anchorman and jump from the ship. "Perhaps even mighty Apple hasn't been always so skilled. Like others today, Apple company company suffered a streak of misfortune with new products regarding green decade ago along with, for example them, it cut their losses. The manufacture r killed the power Mac G4 Cube, a computing, for 2001 after merely 11 months since consumers believed the value was too superior and balked at requiring you to buy a monitor on their own.A pair of days after announcing it is kill the TouchPad, L. DELAWARE. started unloading its inventory via a fire sale. This steep discount - 80 percent up from the original price - succeeded in setting off a buying frenzy this H. P. 's executives wanted when they introduced it.

THEY WOULD. P. 's retailer, together with Best Order, Goal and Wal-Mart, quickly ran out of TouchPads after putting them on discount sales for $100 for your 16G version and $150 for those 32G version. When originally in July, they were detailed at $500 together with $600.

People strategized on over the internet message boards about how to get a TouchPad. H. W. 's call center has been overwhelmed.

"All this clamoring with the TouchPad, kind of bittersweet, " H. V. 's customer provider arm said in a post on Twittollower.

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American Bathroom Hidden Camera,Spy Hidden Camera - Technology

Tokyo's pricey bars and pubs can quickly bust a wallet -- and sometimes a marriage.Although it's hardly the experience of the typical tourist to Japan, most surely can't help but wonder about the apparent conformity on show among the legions of black-suited office workers crowding every train and coffee shop in central Tokyo.

Are they really all just drones in service to the Greater Good and are they actually as boring as they seem? In short, the answer to both is a definite "No" -- something I found out when I donned a black suit of my own and joined the salaryman army.

The first thing that would really strike anyone experiencing the daily life of a typical Tokyo white-collar worker for the first time would be the staunch patience and discipline needed to survive in the Japanese business world.

From the start of each day, you utterly surrender your individuality, first physically on the jam-packed commuter trains, then mentality at an office dominated by groupthink and tedious rules. Day after day you walk the line, kowtow to superiors and swallow your opinions.

It's in this repressed atmosphere that I've witnessed the flourishing practice of hesokuri, or keeping a secret pocket money stash, which works as a kind of freedom fund for salarymen. The inspiration? Restoring personal sanity with off-family-balance-sheet detours into Tokyo's retail wonderland.

"Almost all Japanese salarymen have a secret bank account," says Mr. H., an executive at my former employer, one of Japan's largest conglomerates.

"There are so many ways to use it, and it actually is basic policy for Japanese companies to support it."

Recessionary shift

Hmm -- hang out here, or head home to the wife and her spreadsheets?Hesokuri is a term that's been around since the Edo period of Japanese history. It's often been equated with money that housewives secretly stash away for shopping and dining.

But that definition was more applicable to the economic bubble period of the late 1970s and 1980s, when huge corporate expense accounts paid for the salaryman's hedonistic entertainment and housewives raided their husbands' fat company bonuses.

More on CNNGO: The salaryman strikes back

From what I've seen, two decades of stagnation have drastically altered the use of hesokuri. The stakes these days are much lower -- big expense accounts are gone and fat bonuses are rare, so the modern wife has slim pickings.

So now, it's the salarymen who quietly and methodically create a hesokuri with skimmed wads of cash.

Hats in the airIn the places I've worked, hesokuri has been a natural expression of accumulated, unexpressed employee frustration.

When work is finally over, the tension is explosively released -- never belligerently, but rather with an earnest feeling shared with co-workers, like hats being thrown in the air together. I wish I could find a bar in the United States half as cheery as the typical Tokyo izakaya.

For many salarymen -- especially those with no time to see family or friends -- this hesokuri-funded, nightly drinking bout is the one thing that makes weekday life worth living. And in lieu of the long-gone corporate expense account, the spirit-building value this represents to the typical company cannot be understated.

A hush-hush topicStill, you won't find "hesokuri" listed in any Japanese company's handbook. In the beginning, I had to quietly ask around to learn more, starting with a veteran manager who sat next to me.

His response was instructive. He leaned over in his chair and whispered conspiratorially: "If hesokuri yes ..." He made a motion of upending a bottle and sucked noisily. "If hesokuri no ..." He made a choking sound and pretended to slash his lower stomach with a sword in the manner of seppuku, the samurai ritual suicide by disembowelment.

He then pointed over to the desk of Mr. H, my boss, indicating he'd hook me up if I wanted: "Get hesokuri ... you very like."

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Monday 17 September 2012

WWE WrestleMania 28 Live Stream - Watch 720p HD Stream Online - News - World News

PPV) event, produced annually in late March or early April by , a professional wrestling promotion based in Connecticut. first producedW R E S T L E - Z O N E . N E Tthe event in 1985 to be its premiere annual event and has since produced twenty-seven editions with the twenty-eighth and twenty-ninth scheduled to take place in Miami Gardens, Florida in 2012 and East Rutherford, New Jersey in 2013.[1][2] regards it as a flagship event due to it being the most successful and longest-running professional wrestling event in history. WrestleMania was conceptualized by owner Vince McMahon.WrestleMania's widespread success helped transform the professional wrestling industry and make the most successful wrestling promotion in the world.[citation needed] The event has facilitated the rise to stardom of wrestlers including The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, Triple H, The Rock, John Cena, and Batista. Celebrities such as Aretha Franklin, Cyndi Lauper , Muhammad Ali, Mr. T, Alice Cooper, Lawrence Taylor, Pamela Anderson, Mike Tyson, Donald Trump, Floyd Mayweather, Snoop Dogg and others have participated or made special appearances within the events.WrestleMania propels the worldwide commercial success of the through media, merchandise and shows. All of the events produced have been sold out within a short period of time, with recent editions being sold out within minutes of tickets going on sale. The first WrestleMania was held in Madison Square Garden in New York City; the 10th and 20th editions were also held there. WrestleMania III in Detroit was the highest-attended indoor sports event in the world, with 93,173 fans in attendance. The record stood until February 14, 2010, when the 2010 NBA All-Star Game broke the indoor sporting event record with an attendance of 108,713 at Cowboys Stadium.[3] All but the two editions held in Toronto, Canada have been hosted in U.S. cities.WrestleMania 28 may feature a handful of main event-caliber matches, but the only logical match to close the show is John Cena vs. The Rock.This feud has been a dream come true for many fans.It is a feud that, despite what many may say, features two of the best performers to ever grace theDespite my belief that a World championship match should always close out a pay-per-view event (except for Royal Rumble, of course), history has shown us that it is imperative for a match of this magnitude to main event WrestleMania.However, the biggest match of the card was a similar Generation vs. Generation dream match between The Rock and Hulk Hogan, which saw arguably the most iconic crowd reaction in history, when the Toronto fans created a double turn and turned The Rock heel and Hogan face.When it came time for the epic encounter between Triple H and Jericho, the crowd was dead.They had exerted so much energy during Rocky vs. Hogan that they couldn't give it their all for the championship match. Despite putting on a great perf ormance and completing his comeback, Triple H wasn't given a fair shake--neither was Jericho--and the match was seen as a letdown.The fact of the matter is that Cena vs. The Rock is bigger than the championship. It is the match we're paying to see above the rest and the match for which we want to give our all. It is the match that has the ability to transcend all others and go down as one of the most important and greatest matches in professional wrestling history.It doesn't matter what anybody says. It doesn't matter how many times we want to second-guess ourselves. Cena vs. The Rock is the main event and must finish the watch live 720p HD Stream no lags shutdowns legit

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Sunday 16 September 2012

Natural Killer Cells Breakthrough Treatment For Stage 4 Breast Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer - Health - Cancer

=> Immunotherapy Escalates War on stage 4 Breast Cancer and stage 4 cancer

The field of cancer immunology is, to date, more than 30 years old, and has advanced rapidly, with definitive speed over the last 10 years. Immunotherapy, the use of the stimulated immune system to effectively battle disease, has clustered into various subsets including immune system growth factors, monoclonal antibodies, cellular therapies, and, in some cases, combinations of two or more of these strategies. Recent advances in adoptive immunotherapy (focused on the expansion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells and their infusion into patients) have led to profound discoveries that will undoubtedly impact the treatment of stage 4 breast cancer and other stage 4 cancer over the expanse of the next ten years.

=> Traditional Breast Cancer Protocols Come Up Far Too Short

Breast cancer treatment in the early stages has, for an extensive period of time, been mostly confined to lumpectomy, combined with radio and chemotherapy to increase survival. With late stage or stage 4 breast cancer we typically witness a similar focus, however, it is not uncommon to see additional forms of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments if the patient had grown refractory to the initial regimen.

Immunotherapy provides an innovative way of targeting metastasis and pinpointing the primary site all at one time. Data clearly shows that as tumors and cancer stages progress so do immune blocking mechanisms deemed(up regulated) by cancers to self-protect. By depleting such negative factors and integrating a specialized cancer vaccine that employs the body's own natural killer cells - Envita has instituted a powerful and ambitious method designed to tackle stage 4 breast cancer and other stage 4 cancer.

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer and other stage 4 cancer Immunotherapy has a Clear Leader: Envita

Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned team of dedicated specialists assessed the foremost of these studies and focused on the strengths and inconsistencies of each. Their intense research established a protocol that incorporates only the prime procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from a plethora of the most prestigious hospitals and universities, both national and global.

=> The Cells in Your Body that Cancer Fears, Critical to Stage 4 Cancer patients

It is decidedly common knowledge among scientists and physicians that three types of white blood cells can be activated by the immune system to kill cancer cells: cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer cells (NKs), and natural killer T cells (NKTs). These cells can be found circulating in the body in low amounts; however, they are clearly a major first-line immune system cancer defense

=> NKs for Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patients

Over the past 20 years, scientific studies have repeatedly documented that breast cancer patients have significantly lower levels of natural killer cells than healthy individuals.1-3 Additionally, NK and NKT function is observably lower in those stricken with breast cancer, indicating severe impairment of the the immune system.2-5

Research findings also relate that progression of disease in these particular patients is associated with decreasing NK activity, and that individuals with a significant family history of breast cancer had lower NK cell activity than people with minor family history of breast cancer.4,6 This basically suggests that defects in NK activity itself may actually contribute to the onset of breast cancer.6 It is noted, without appreciable surprise, that breast cancer patients typically have low levels of interferon-gamma, a major growth factor for NK cells that is naturally produced by the body.3

=> Stage 4 Cancer and Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patients Find NKs are Key

Despite the impairments in NK and NKT cell number and function seen in cancer patients, these cells have been successfully harvested in patients via advanced laboratory techniques - providing the necessary cellular resources for effective immunotherapy.3,5 Published research from Stanford University, the Mayo Clinic, and Harvard University has recently illustrated and supported the importance of natural killer cells and natural killer T cells in patients afflicted with cancer.

In fact, adoptive immunotherapy composed of NK cell infusions has the capacity to instigate clinical regressions in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and leukemia. Moreover, NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes have also been utilized in breast cancer patients with clinical successes noted.7,8 In patients with metastatic breast cancer, NK infusion was well-tolerated and resulted in complete response in 20% of patients.7 In 6 out of 16 patients infused with activated T lymphocytes, objective tumor regressions were observed.8 In animal models of breast cancer, the anti-tumor effects of agents such as interleukin-2 and interleukin-12 were determined to be dependent on NK cells.9,10 Additionally, the presence of activated NK cells and other tumor-fighting immune cells have proven to be major factors in the response of cancer patients to drugs including thaliodomide, Gleevec, and paclitaxel.11-13

=> Envita Immunotherapy - Giving Stage 4 Breast Cancer the "One-Two" Punch

Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as supportive immunotherapy for cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is referenced as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the overall majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are hence listed below:

=> � Natural killer cells=> � Natural killer T cells=> � Cytokine-induced killer cells=> � Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

The vaccine(s) is compiled by expanding a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to eradicate cancer cells in the laboratory, then subsequently re-infused into the patient.

Enhancement of the immune system is a major benefit in the stampede against cancer, but this vaccine-driven routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply stated, we can indeed improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality.It is common knowledge that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells.

Naturally, through intervention and acting to deplete these cells, along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be accelerated exponentially. Imagine one's immune system being targeted and at the ready, yet something in the body suddenly applies the brakes. This is precisely what most advanced cancer patients are confronted with, regarding high regulatory T cells. Envita's treatment protocols create a targeted vaccine by incorporating the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently. Be advised, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.

Unlike other immunotherapies found in the published literature, Envita's AAIT can be used as a solo treatment. AAIT can also be administered in conjunction with additional therapies that will serve to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the studies in the published scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expansion of cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also keep them activated after they are infused back into the body.

=> Envita Mexico has AAIT Ready and Waiting

The activated natural killer cells in Envita's AAIT are considerably more effective in the realm of tumor obliteration than other similar treatments offered either in Mexico or worldwide. Evidenced by scientific research and clinical results, Envita's AAIT offers a powerful option for those stage 4 breast cancer patients, who are aiming to wage war against cancer while keeping their immune system intact. If you have queries concerning Envita's AAIT, please consult with our team of physicians and patient educators. This particular therapy is offered in Envita Mexico's international cancer center.

=> References

1)Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.

2)Konjevic G, Spuzic I. Evaluation of different effects of sera of breast cancer patients on the activity of natural killer cells. J Clin Lab Immunol. 1992;38(2):83-93.

3)Caras I, Grigorescu A, Stavaru C, Radu DL, Mogos I, Szegli G, Salageanu A. Evidence for immune defects in breast and lung cancer patients. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2004 Dec;53(12):1146-52.

4)Garner WL, Minton JP, James AG, Hoffmann CC. Human breast cancer and impaired NK cell function. J Surg Oncol. 1983 Sep;24(1):64-6.

5)Crough T, Purdie DM, Okai M, Maksoud A, Nieda M, Nicol AJ. Modulation of human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells by age, malignancy and conventional anticancer therapies. Br J Cancer. 2004 Nov 29;91(11):1880-6.

6)Strayer DR, Carter WA, Brodsky I. Familial occurrence of breast cancer is associated with reduced natural killer cytotoxicity. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1986;7(3):187-92.

7)deMagalhaes-Silverman M, Donnenberg A, Lembersky B, Elder E, Lister J, Rybka W, Whiteside T, Ball E. Posttransplant adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer. J Immunother. 2000 Jan;23(1):154-60.

8)Bishop MR, Fowler DH, Marchigiani D, Castro K, Kasten-Sportes C, Steinberg SM, Gea-Banacloche JC, Dean R, Chow CK, Carter C, Read EJ, Leitman S, Gress R. Allogeneic lymphocytes induce tumor regression of advanced metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Oct 1;22(19):3886-92.

9)Divino CM, Chen SH, Yang W, Thung S, Brower ST, Woo SL. Anti-tumor immunity induced by interleukin-12 gene therapy in a metastatic model of breast cancer is mediated by natural killer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2000 Mar;60(2):129-34.

10)Joshi SS, Tarantolo SR, Kuszynski CA, Kessinger A. Antitumor therapeutic potential of activated human umbilical cord blood cells against leukemia and breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 Nov;6(11):4351-8.

11)Hayashi T, Hideshima T, Akiyama M, Podar K, Yasui H, Raje N, Kumar S, Chauhan D, Treon SP, Richardson P, Anderson KC. Molecular mechanisms whereby immunomodulatory drugs activate natural killer cells: clinical application. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(2):192-203.

12)Borg C, Terme M, Taieb J, Menard C, Flament C, Robert C, Maruyama K, Wakasugi H, Angevin E, Thielemans K, Le Cesne A, Chung-Scott V, Lazar V, Tchou I, Crepineau F, Lemoine F, Bernard J, Fletcher JA, Turhan A, Blay JY, Spatz A, Emile JF, Heinrich MC, Mecheri S, Tursz T, Zitvogel L. Novel mode of action of c-kit tyrosine kinase inhibitors leading to NK cell-dependent antitumor effects. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):379-88.

13)Kubo M, Morisaki T, Matsumoto K, Tasaki A, Yamanaka N, Nakashima H, Kuroki H, Nakamura K, Nakamura M, Katano M. Paclitaxel probably enhances cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against breast carcinoma cells by increasing perforin production. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2005 May;54(5):468-76. Epub 2004 Dec 9.

Immunotherapy Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease, heart disease, For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.

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Key Immunotherapy Treatment in Stage 4 Breast Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer - Health - Cancer

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer and stage 4 cancer Outcomes Strengthened Through Immunotherapy

The field of cancer immunology is ostensibly greater than 30 years old and has developed with fervor, particularly over the last 10 years. Immunotherapy, the management of the stimulated immune system to ward off disease, has systematically branched into given subsets including immune system growth factors, monoclonal antibodies, cellular therapies, and even combinations of two or more of these strategies. Recent advances in adoptive immunotherapy (zeroing in on the expansion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells and their infusion into needy patients) have led to renowned discoveries that shall profoundly impact the treatment of stage 4 breast cancer and other stage 4 cancer over the upcoming decade.

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer Protocols - Traditional Approach Begs Improvement

Breast cancer treatment early on, has, for quite some time, been focused on lumpectomy combined with radio and chemotherapy to increase survival rates, With late stage breast cancer we typically notice a similar approach, however, it is not uncommon to see added forms of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments if the patient had grown refractory (not responding) to the first regimen.

Immunotherapy inculcates a totally new way of confronting metastasis and focusing on the primary site all at once. Collective data clearly shows that as tumors and cancer stages progress so do immune blocking mechanisms devised (up regulated) by cancers to self-protect. By depleting such negative factors and developing a specialized cancer vaccine which regulates the body's own natural killer cells - Envita has a powerful and innovative method poised to reckon with stage 4 breast cancer and stage 4 cancer.

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy Led by Envita

Litanies of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned medical establishment has assessed the most favorable of these studies and focused on the core strengths and weaknesses of each. Their findings established a protocol that definitively imbues only the ultimate procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immune therapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from some of the most esteemed hospitals and universities nationwide and around the world.

=> Cancer's "Natural Born" Killers for Stage 4 Breast Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer

It is common agreed among scientists and physicians that three types of white blood cells can be activated by the immune system to marginalize cancer cells: cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer cells (NKs), and natural killer T cells (NKTs). These cells are generally found circulating in the body in limited amounts; however, they are a notable first-line immune system cancer defense

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patients and Natural Killer Cells

Historically,(over the past 20 years), research studies have repeatedly illustrated that breast cancer patients maintain lower levels of natural killer cells than healthy individuals.1-3 Additionally, NK and NKT function is remarkably limited in persons with breast cancer, meaning that the immune system suffers a severe impaired state.2-5

Research also affirms that progression of disease in these patients is associated with decreasing NK activity, and that persons with a significant family history of breast cancer had lower NK cell activity than those with minor family history of breast cancer.4,6 This primarily suggests that defects in NK activity itself may actually contribute to the onset of breast cancer.6 Minus conjecture, breast cancer patients typically have low levels of interferon-gamma, a major growth factor for NK cells that is naturally produced by the body.3

=> Natural Killer Cells Vital to Stage 4 Cancer Patients

Despite the impairments in NK and NKT cell number and function readily seen in cancer patients, these cells have been successfully enhanced via advanced laboratory techniques - providing the necessary cellular resources for effective immunotherapy.3,5 Published findings from Stanford University, the Mayo Clinic, and Harvard University have recently illustrated and supported the importance of natural killer cells and natural killer T cells in patients ridden with cancer.

In fact, adoptive immunotherapy composed of NK cell infusions has the virtual capacity to cause clinical regressions in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and leukemia. Moreover, NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes have also been utilized in breast cancer patients with clinical successes noted.7,8 Furthermore ,in those patients with metastatic breast cancer, NK infusion was well-tolerated and resulted in complete response in 20% of patients.7 In 6 out of 16 patients infused with activated T lymphocytes, objective tumor regressions were observed.8 In animal models of breast cancer, the anti-tumor effects of agents such as interleukin-2 and interleukin-12 were determined to be dependent on NK cells.9,10 Pointedly, the presence of activated NK cells and other tumor-fighting immune cells have proven to be key factors in the response of cancer patients to drugs such as thaliodomide, Gleevec, and paclitaxel.11-13

=> Envita's Two-fold Stage 4 Breast Cancer Immunotherapy and Stage 4 Cancer Treatment

Envita Natural Medical Center is, in real time, utilizing NK cells and CTLs as supportive immunotherapy for cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is aptly named AAIT (presumptively, autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the great majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are listed as follows:

=> � Natural killer cells=> � Natural killer T cells=> � Cytokine-induced killer cells=> � Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

The vaccine(s) is advanced by growing a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and checked for their ability to abort cancer cells in the laboratory, then re-infused into the patient.

Enhancing the immune system is a major boon to suppressing cancer, but this vaccine-driven routine may be emboldened through subtraction. Simply, we can improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality. It is well documented that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells. The multiplication of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells.

Naturally, by interceding and acting to deplete these cells, along with other notable enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing ability will be expedited exponentially. Imagine an immune system erstwhile targeted and ready to go, yet something in the body randomly applies the brakes. This is in fact what most advanced cancer patients are experiencing with regard to high regulatory T cells. Envita's treatment protocols assemble a targeted vaccine by using the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently in such regard.

Case in point, there is without question, no treatment (conventional or alternative), that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.

Unlike other immune therapies published in scientific literature, Envita's AAIT can be used as a lone treatment. AAIT can also be given in conjunction with other therapies that will serve to enhance the effects of cells once they are present in the patient. This is a profound improvement over many of the published studies in the research literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expanding cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to expand them and continue activation after they are infused back into the body.

AAIT Available at Envita Mexico

The activated natural killer cells in Envita's AAIT are deemed more effective in the realm of tumor obliteration than other similar treatments touted in Mexico or across the globe. Supported by scientific research and clinical results, Envita's AAIT offers a powerful option for breast cancer patients who are hoping to fight cancer while keeping their immune system intact. If you have particular questions regarding Envita's AAIT, please consult with our team of physicians and patient educators. This favorable therapy is offered in Envita Mexico's international cancer center.


1)Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.

2)Konjevic G, Spuzic I. Evaluation of different effects of sera of breast cancer patients on the activity of natural killer cells. J Clin Lab Immunol. 1992;38(2):83-93.

3)Caras I, Grigorescu A, Stavaru C, Radu DL, Mogos I, Szegli G, Salageanu A. Evidence for immune defects in breast and lung cancer patients. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2004 Dec;53(12):1146-52.

4)Garner WL, Minton JP, James AG, Hoffmann CC. Human breast cancer and impaired NK cell function. J Surg Oncol. 1983 Sep;24(1):64-6.

5)Crough T, Purdie DM, Okai M, Maksoud A, Nieda M, Nicol AJ. Modulation of human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells by age, malignancy and conventional anticancer therapies. Br J Cancer. 2004 Nov 29;91(11):1880-6.

6)Strayer DR, Carter WA, Brodsky I. Familial occurrence of breast cancer is associated with reduced natural killer cytotoxicity. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1986;7(3):187-92.

7)deMagalhaes-Silverman M, Donnenberg A, Lembersky B, Elder E, Lister J, Rybka W, Whiteside T, Ball E. Posttransplant adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer. J Immunother. 2000 Jan;23(1):154-60.

8)Bishop MR, Fowler DH, Marchigiani D, Castro K, Kasten-Sportes C, Steinberg SM, Gea-Banacloche JC, Dean R, Chow CK, Carter C, Read EJ, Leitman S, Gress R. Allogeneic lymphocytes induce tumor regression of advanced metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Oct 1;22(19):3886-92.

9)Divino CM, Chen SH, Yang W, Thung S, Brower ST, Woo SL. Anti-tumor immunity induced by interleukin-12 gene therapy in a metastatic model of breast cancer is mediated by natural killer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2000 Mar;60(2):129-34.

10)Joshi SS, Tarantolo SR, Kuszynski CA, Kessinger A. Antitumor therapeutic potential of activated human umbilical cord blood cells against leukemia and breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 Nov;6(11):4351-8.

11)Hayashi T, Hideshima T, Akiyama M, Podar K, Yasui H, Raje N, Kumar S, Chauhan D, Treon SP, Richardson P, Anderson KC. Molecular mechanisms whereby immunomodulatory drugs activate natural killer cells: clinical application. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(2):192-203.

12)Borg C, Terme M, Taieb J, Menard C, Flament C, Robert C, Maruyama K, Wakasugi H, Angevin E, Thielemans K, Le Cesne A, Chung-Scott V, Lazar V, Tchou I, Crepineau F, Lemoine F, Bernard J, Fletcher JA, Turhan A, Blay JY, Spatz A, Emile JF, Heinrich MC, Mecheri S, Tursz T, Zitvogel L. Novel mode of action of c-kit tyrosine kinase inhibitors leading to NK cell-dependent antitumor effects. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):379-88.

13)Kubo M, Morisaki T, Matsumoto K, Tasaki A, Yamanaka N, Nakashima H, Kuroki H, Nakamura K, Nakamura M, Katano M. Paclitaxel probably enhances cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against breast carcinoma cells by increasing perforin production. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2005 May;54(5):468-76. Epub 2004 Dec 9.

Fibromyalgia pain Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease, heart disease, For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.

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Saturday 15 September 2012

Obituaries - Aug. 10, 2001 - Sports - Golf

By The Saratogian Vicki "V" Caruso Ngirailemesang

SARATOGA SPRINGS -- Vicki Caruso Ngirailemesang, known as "V," 49, of Route 9P, died Monday, Aug. 6, 2001 at Glens Falls Hospital, after being stricken.

Vicki was born in Oakland, Calif., reared in Schenectady and graduated from the former Linton High School, class of 1970. Vicki graduated from Newhouse School of Journalism at Syracuse University.

Ms. Ngirailemesang joined the Peace Corps, where she served on the island of Palau. Vicki lived in Hawaii for a short while before returning to the Capital Region where she was a copywriter and a producer for Luyk Advertising Agency in Albany. Later, she was working as creative director for the Communication and Design Advertising Agency in Latham. Vicki was self-employed at VN Creative in Schenectady, an advertising agency she founded. For the last 10 years, Vicki has been a partner with DKV in Saratoga where she has been a writer and creative director.

Ms. Ngirailemesang was a member of the Ad Club and the Upstate Independent Filmmakers Association. Vicki has received the prestigious Noori Award for creative excellence and gave workshops for women victims of domestic violence.

Survivors include her daughter, Melissa Ngirailemesang of Schenectady; her father, Bartholomeo Caruso Sr. of Schenectady; a brother, Bart Caruso Jr. of Mariaville; and a sister, Nancy Closson of Schenectady.

A service of remembrance will be celebrated at 3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12 at Wiawaka Holiday House Inc. on Route 9L in Lake George. For questions or directions, please call 668-9690.

Memorial contributions may be made in Vicki's memory to the Wiawaka Holiday House Inc., 3778 Route 9L, Lake George, NY 12845.

Thomas McFarlane Continued� STILLWATER - Thomas M. McFarlane, 63, of Spruce Lane, died Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2001 at his home, in the loving company of his family, after a short illness.

Mr. McFarlane moved to Stillwater 18 years ago, and had previously lived in Clifton Park for a number of years.

Born in Alton, Ill. on Sept. 25, 1937, he was the son of the late Thomas H. and Josephine Klopfer McFarlane.

After high school, Mr. McFarlane joined the U. S. Navy, serving aboard a destroyer.

Mr. McFarlane was an electronic engineer for UNISYS Systems, formerly Sperry UNIVAC, for 33 years, maintaining company computers at sites in the U. S. and Canada, retiring in 1991.

After some computer consulting work, Mr. McFarlane worked for Inter Magnetics General, as a wielding specialist working on MRI systems.

He was a member of the Clifton Park Fire Department and the Fraternal Order of Eagles of Saratoga.

Mr. McFarlane was an avid sport hunter and fisherman, enjoying fishing in Saratoga Lake and the Salmon River.

Survivors include his wife of 42 years, Irene Ellwood McFarlane; three sons, Fire Controlman Chief Thomas R. McFarlane, U. S. Navy of Norfolk, Va., Michael E. McFarlane of Porter Corners and Peter J. McFarlane of Corinth; and two grandchildren, Tina and Timothy McFarlane.

A funeral service will be conducted today at 8 p.m. at the DeVito-Salvadore Funeral Home, 39 South Main St., Mechanicville. Continued� 1 Burial with full military honors will be held on Monday, Aug. 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the Saratoga National Cemetery.

Calling hours will be held at the funeral home today from 6 to 8 p.m.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Stillwater Rescue Squad.

John Galbraith

BALLSTON SPA - John A. Galbraith of West High Street died Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2001 at St. Clare's Hospital in Schenectady.

Born in Troy, he was the son of G. Raymond and Marion Galbraith.

He served in the U.S. Army and was a graduate of Siena College, earning a bachelor's degree in economics.

Mr. Galbraith worked for Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories for 25 years, retiring in 1994.

He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church in Ballston Spa.

He is survived by his wife, Elaine Galbraith; two sons, Michael Galbraith of Schenectady and Matthew Galbraith of Ballston Spa; two daughters, Katelyn Galbraith of Ballston Spa and Kristyn Galbraith of Ballston Spa; and his sister, Sister Scholastica Galbraith of Latham. Continued� 1 2 Funeral services will be held on Monday, Aug. 13 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Marys Catholic Church, Milton Ave., Ballston Spa where a Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated.

Burial with full military honors will be held at Saratoga National Cemetery in the Town of Saratoga.

There will be no calling hours.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Community Emergency Corp, Thompson St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020.

Arrangements are by Armer Funeral Home Inc., 39 East High St., Ballston Spa.

Edward Lundgren

SARATOGA SPRINGS - Edward A. Lundgren, 84, of Stonequist Apartments, died Thursday, Aug. 9, 2001 at Saratoga Hospital after a long illness.

A lifelong resident of the area, he was born in Schuylerville on Sept. 10, 1916, the son of Pierre and Matilda West Lundgren.

His wife, Berniece Bidwell Lundgren, died in 1995.

He worked for the General Electric Co. in the Niskayuna Research Lab for many years in the maintenance department, retiring in 1976. After retirement, he worked for some time at the Saratoga Raceway and the Saratoga Race Course in the security department.

He and his wife enjoyed traveling and spent many winters in Florida. He was an avid bowler and participated in some televised tournaments.

Mr. Lundgren enjoyed his 34 years in the BPOE Lodge 131 of Saratoga, where he was active with their bowling program and other activities of the Order. He had an honorary membership with the Gurtler Brothers VFW Post 420 and the Knights of Columbus in Saratoga Springs, where he had many friends. He enjoyed golfing and was a past member of the Brookhaven Golf Club.

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When I First Contacted Tommy Davis - Finance

When I first contacted Tommy Davis, last April, he expressed a reluctance to talk, saying that he had already spent a month responding to Paul Haggis. "It made little difference," he said. "The last thing I'm interested in is dredging all this up again." He kept putting me off, saying that he was too busy to get together, but he promised that we would meet when he was more available. In an e-mail, he said, "We should plan on spending at least a full day together as there is a lot I would want to show you." We finally arranged to meet on Memorial Day weekend.

I flew to Los Angeles and waited for him to call. On Sunday at three o'clock, Davis appeared at my hotel, with Feshbach. We sat at a table on the patio. Davis has his mother's sleepy eyes. His thick black hair was combed forward, with a lock falling boyishly onto his forehead. He wore a wheat-colored suit with a blue shirt. Feshbach, a slender, attractive woman, anxiously twirled her hair.

Davis now told me that he was "not willing to participate in, or contribute to, an article about Scientology through the lens of Paul Haggis." I had come to Los Angeles specifically to talk to him, at a time he had chosen. I asked if he had been told not to talk to me. He said no.

Feshbach said that she had spoken to Mark Isham, whom I had interviewed the day before. "He talked to you about what are supposed to be our confidential scriptures." Any discussion of the church's secret doctrines was offensive, she said.

In my meeting with Isham, he asserted that Scientology was not a "faith-based religion." I pointed out that, in Scientology's upper levels, there was a cosmology that would have to be accepted on faith. Isham said that he wasn't going to discuss the details of O.T. III. "In the wrong hands, it can hurt people," he said.

"Everything I have to say about Paul, I've already said," Davis told me. He agreed, however, to respond to written questions about the church.

In late September, Davis and Feshbach, along with four attorneys representing the church, travelled to Manhattan to meet with me and six staff members of The New Yorker. In response to nearly a thousand queries, the Scientology delegation handed over forty-eight binders of supporting material, stretching nearly seven linear feet.

Davis, early in his presentation, attacked the credibility of Scientology defectors, whom he calls "bitter apostates." He said, "They make up stories." He cited Bryan Wilson, an Oxford sociologist, who has argued that testimony from the disaffected should be treated skeptically, noting, "The apostate is generally in need of self-justification. He seeks to reconstruct his own past to excuse his former affiliations and to blame those who were formerly his closest associates."

Davis spoke about Gerry Armstrong, a former Scientology archivist who copied, without permission, many of the church's files on Hubbard, and who settled in a fraud suit against the church in 1986. Davis charged that Armstrong had forged many of the documents that he later disseminated in order to discredit the church's founder. He also alleged that Armstrong had spread rumors of a 1967 letter in which Hubbard told his wife that he was "drinking lots of rum and popping pinks and grays" while researching the Operating Thetan material. Davis also noted that, in 1984, Armstrong had been captured on videotape telling a friend, "I can create documents with relative ease. You know, I did for a living." Davis's decision to cite this evidence was curious--though the quote cast doubt on Armstrong's ethics, it also suggested that forging documents had once been part of a Scientologist's job.

Davis passed around a photograph of Armstrong, which, he said, showed Armstrong "sitting naked" with a giant globe in his lap. "This was a photo that was in a newspaper article he did where he said that all people should give up money," Davis said. "He's not a very sane person."

Armstrong told me that, in the photo, he is actually wearing running shorts under the globe. The article is about his attempt to create a movement for people to "abandon the use of currency." He said that he received eight hundred thousand dollars in the 1986 settlement and had given most of the money away. (The settlement prohibited Armstrong from talking about Scientology, a prohibition that he has ignored, and the church has won two breach-of-contract suits against him, including a five-hundred-thousand-dollar judgment in 2004.)

Davis also displayed photographs of what he said were bruises sustained by Mike Rinder's former wife in 2010, after Rinder physically assaulted her in a Florida parking lot. (Rinder denies committing any violence. A sheriff's report supports this.) Davis also showed a mug shot of Marty Rathbun in a jailhouse jumpsuit, after being arrested in New Orleans last July for public drunkenness. "Getting arrested for being drunk on the intersection of Bourbon and Toulouse?" Davis cracked. "That's like getting arrested for being a leper in a leper colony." (Rathbun's arrest has been expunged.) Claire and Marc Headley were "the most despicable people in the world"; Jeff Hawkins was "an inveterate liar."

I asked how, if these people were so reprehensible, they had all arrived at such elevated positions in the church. "They weren't like that when they were in those positions," Davis responded. The defectors we were discussing had not only risen to positions of responsibility within the church; they had also ascended Scientology's ladder of spiritual accomplishment. I suggested to Davis that Scientology didn't seem to work if people at the highest levels of spiritual attainment were actually liars, adulterers, wife beaters, and embezzlers.

Scientology, Davis said, doesn't pretend to be perfect, and it shouldn't be judged on the misconduct of a few apostates. "I haven't done things like that," Davis said. "I haven't suborned perjury, destroyed evidence, lied--contrary to what Paul Haggis says." He spoke of his frustration with Haggis after his resignation: "If he was so troubled and shaken on the fundamentals of Scientology... then why the hell did he stick around for thirty-five years?" He continued, "Did he stay a closet Scientologist for some career-advancement purpose?" Davis shook his head in disgust. "I think he's the most hypocritical person in the world."

We discussed the allegations of abuse lodged against Miscavige. "The only people who will corroborate are their fellow-apostates," Davis said. He produced affidavits from other Scientologists refuting the accusations, and noted that the tales about Miscavige always hinged on "inexplicable violent outbursts." Davis said, "One would think that if such a thing occurred--which it most certainly did not--there'd have to be a reason."

I had wondered about these stories as well. While Rinder and Rathbun were in the church, they had repeatedly claimed that allegations of abuse were baseless. Then, after Rinder defected, he said that Miscavige had beaten him fifty times. Rathbun has confessed that, in 1997, he ordered incriminating documents destroyed in the case of Lisa McPherson, the Scientologist who died of an embolism. If these men were capable of lying to protect the church, might they not also be capable of lying to destroy it? Davis later claimed that Rathbun is in fact trying to overthrow Scientology's current leadership and take over the church. (Rathbun now makes his living by providing Hubbard-inspired counselling to other defectors, but he says that he has no desire to be part of a hierarchical organization. "Power corrupts," he says.)

Twelve other defectors told me that they had been beaten by Miscavige, or had witnessed Miscavige beating other church staff members. Most of them, like John Peeler, noted that Miscavige's demeanor changed "like the snap of a finger." Others who never saw such violence spoke of their constant fear of the leader's anger.

At the meeting, Davis brought up Jack Parsons's black-magic society, which Hubbard had supposedly infiltrated. Davis said, "He was sent in there by Robert Heinlein"--the science-fiction writer--"who was running off-book intelligence operations for naval intelligence at the time." Davis said, "A biography that just came out three weeks ago on Bob Heinlein actually confirmed it at a level that we'd never been able to before." The book to which Davis was referring is the first volume of an authorized Heinlein biography, by William H. Patterson, Jr. There is no mention in the book of Heinlein's sending Hubbard to break up the Parsons ring, on the part of naval intelligence or any other organization. Patterson says that he looked into the matter, at the suggestion of Scientologists, but found nothing.

Davis and I discussed an assertion that Marty Rathbun had made to me about the O.T. III creation story--the galactic revelations that Haggis had deemed "madness." While Hubbard was in exile, Rathbun told me, he wrote a memo suggesting an experiment in which ascending Scientologists skipped the O.T. III level. Miscavige shelved the idea, Rathbun told me. Davis called Rathbun's story "libellous." He explained that the cornerstone of Scientology was the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. "Mr. Hubbard's material must be and is applied precisely as written," Davis said. "It's never altered. It's never changed. And there probably is no more heretical or more horrific transgression that you could have in the Scientology religion than to alter the technology."

But hadn't certain derogatory references to homosexuality found in some editions of Hubbard's books been changed after his death?

Davis admitted that that was so, but he maintained that "the current editions are one-hundred-per-cent, absolutely fully verified as being according to what Mr. Hubbard wrote." Davis said they were checked against Hubbard's original dictation.

"The extent to which the references to homosexuality have changed are because of mistaken dictation?" I asked.

"No, because of the insertion, I guess, of somebody who was a bigot," Davis replied.

"Somebody put the material in those--?"

"I can only imagine.... It wasn't Mr. Hubbard," Davis said, cutting me off.

"Who would've done it?"

"I have no idea."


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Friday 14 September 2012

Find Beautiful French Antiques at Dunleith Designs - Business - Management

Dunleith Designs and Antiques is the perfect shop for anyone looking to buy quality fine antiques and decorative arts. The prestigious company offers a tremendous value for genuine and unique fine antique furniture. By visiting their 3000 square foot showroom in Old Metarie, New Orleans, or by visiting their online store, you can be sure to find that "one of a kind" antique you have been searching for.

Ken Rogers, owner and operator of Dunleith Designs, has over 33 years of experience in the design, furniture, and decorative arts field. He also holds a BFA in Interior Design and Art History from Louisiana Tech University and is a 25 year professional member of The American Society of Interior Designers. His impressive qualifications and background ensure his clients that Dunleith Designs caries the most astounding 18th, 19th and 20th century English, French, and American antiques and accessories. Not to mention that every antique piece is personally selected by Mr. Rogers himself. Therefore, whether you are seeking dining or bedroom furniture, desks or sofas, chandeliers or artwork, Dunleith Designs will have that piece that will add historic elegance to your home.

Amongst Dunleith Designs' wide selection of antique items are beautiful French antiques. Perhaps one of the most eye catching pieces is the Childs French Antique Louis XVI Style Chair. The Louis XVI style itself is steeped in interesting history as it was first used in France in the late 1700's. As is evident in the name of the style, it began at the beginning on the reign of King Louis XVI. The King wished to begin a European movement that returned the classics to the style of furniture and decorative arts. It was during this time that the wonders of the ancients were unearthed as the remains of Herculaneum and Pompeii were discovered. The ancient style greatly influenced the style of Louis XVI furniture. Another influence of this style was Madame du Barry, the mistress of King Louis XVI.

The Louis XVI style returns to the rigor of geometric shapes inspired by the antiques found at Herculaneum and Pompeii. The structure of the furniture is redevelopment with rectilinear forms. Forms such as strict rectangle, square, round, and oval were borrowed from neo-classical architecture. The legs of the furniture incorporate elements including antique fluted foot or the square pillar. The decorative elements are also minimal. The ornaments are symmetrically shaped and inspiration is found in natural vegetation and ancient themes.

It is clear that Dunleith Designs' miniature French antique chair is one steeped in history. Yet, as well as being historic, it is elegant and beautiful. The Childs French Louis XVI Style Chair features a gorgeous taupe crackled finished and a yellow Toile covering. It measures 17"W 17"D 25"H. It would make a lovely addition to any home.

For more information regarding this amazing French antique chair or any of Dunleith Designs antiques please visit

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Are You a Smoker and Don?T Want to Quit Yet? - Health - Quit Smoking

Think of this! If you're in the line of fire would you want to stay in the danger zone or run away as quickly as you can? Would it make a difference if imminent danger to your life is now or in 3 to 5 years from now?

If you are a smoker and don't want to quit it's as if you have decided to not face reality and facts and remain in harms way. Facts and statistics are realities as clear as the sun. If you looked towards the sun and said "This is the moon", does your opinion change the fact that what you're looking at is the sun? Of course not.

Likewise, if you're a smoker and decided to ignore the numerous proven dangers and facts of the hazards of smoking is the same a looking to the sun and saying this is the moon. Facts about smoking are loud and clear and there's absolutely no doubt about that.

Fact is, as a result of this deadly tobacco habit, every year half million people perish in the US, more than five million worldwide and millions are mimed and are suffering the horrible consequences of smoking.

I have been helping smokers quit with my evidence based stop smoking tips for more than a couple decades and during pharmacy practice I've counseled numerous ex-smokers who thought like every smoker did "it won't happen to me" but it did. I can't tell you how heart breaking it is to see the regret and the suffering that those people are going through. A common statement I hear "I wish I never touched a cigarette", "I wish I listened and quit smoking before lung cancer hit me", "I want to tell every smoker, quit before it's too late because it will happen to you"...

If you're sleeping on your pillow every night secure in the knowledge that you're safe because nothing happened to you so far then I sincerely urge to reconsider your options and face the reality of proven facts.

There is a way out and you will start healing as soon as 20 minutes after your last cigarette. In just short few months you will feel the difference and your risks of diseases become gradually smaller till they go away completely.

Believe me it is greener on the other side and common statements I hear from ex-smokers are: "What was I thinking..", "I feel a whole lot better now and never going back..", "�the smell of tobacco make me sick" and "finally I can truly enjoy a breath of fresh air�".

I strongly urge you to start shifting your thought process from "It won't happen to me" or "I don't want to quit because I enjoy it" to "smoking will definitely hurt me and I should quit..".

Start thinking of quitting within the next 6 months and I challenge you to start experiencing the true joy of being healthy. However, the most important factor to quitting is your decision.

The clock is ticking and if you continue to smoke your life is in imminent danger. The only way to stop the ticking bomb is to quit. Keep reading my articles will guide you in the quitting process.

The Human Toll of Smoking in the U.S. and Worldwide

If you think that none of these dangers will happen to you or that they "only happen to other people" think again. Clear statistics and evidence from reliable sources listed in "Sources of data" at the end of the book tell a totally different story:

Nearly half a million people die in the U.S. every year from tobacco use...

This means that approximately every second of every day someone is dying from a smoking-related illness within the U.S.

Over 8 million people in the U.S. are disabled every year from tobacco use.

The disabled bear the scars and debilitations (of years of smoking) in their lungs, faces, hearts, arteries and other vital organs.These are the leftovers from their fierce battles with smoking-related illnesses. They are, unfortunately but clearly, on their way to succumbing to these deadly maladies.

The majority of these survivors compound their chances of experiencing further major health disasters by either being sedentary, overweight or obese; they may suffer from diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, high cholesterol, or any or all of the combinations of these ailments. Many of these survivors continue to smoke.These people have the least chance for survival due to profound injuries to their lungs, hearts, brains, arteries and other vital organs. They may succumb any day because of smoking-related complications.

I have personally met these survivors during the scope of my pharmacy practice, and I have witnessed their suffering and regret. Countless times, I have waited on and counseled survivors of tobacco-related diseases.

They come to the pharmacy accompanied by their best friend; the oxygen canister at their side, from which extends tentacles that reach inside their nostrils. Others whom I have counseled and dispensed medications to, have suffered debilitating strokes or heart attacks, and others were lung or throat cancer survivors still under treatment.

I have also met, through the pharmacy counseling window, the spouses and close family members of these victims who perished due to smoking-related illnesses.The sorrow and void that these victims of tobacco leave on their families is always enormous and beyond description.

If only you, the current smokers (and that includes you the reader) hear the silent agony of these millions of smokers and non-smokers who have perished to date from tobacco-related illnesses, and if you were to actually hear each countless heart-breaking story, then you ought to know THESE SUFFERINGS ARE REAL, and the same can happen to you and "your" loved ones if you don't quit NOW.

Even though cigarettes are accepted in societies across the globe and come across as innocuous and are exchanged among friends and family, we all know that tobacco's only purpose is to kill everybody who falls in the trap of its deadly web.

Don't be fooled, tobacco products across all the earth's continents don't discriminate among ethnic cultures, race, gender, poor, rich, celebrity or the homeless; but tobacco products destroy precious lives, and it is just a matter of time before you, the reader holding this book, yes you, become the next victim (if you continue to smoke).

On April 24, 2007, Larry King, on his CNN show, "Larry King Live", hosted several guests who discussed the mushrooming incidences of cancer and the possible solutions. President George H. Bush, his wife Barbara, Dr. John Mendelson (a cancer researcher, practitioner and president of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston, Texas), and John Seffrin (CEO of the American Cancer Society) were among the guests. Both Dr. Mendelson and Mr. Seffrin stated that over a whopping one third of all cancer deaths in the USA are attributed to tobacco use and, thus, can be prevented.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 565,000 people in the U.S. died in 2006 from all forms of cancer. You must realize that one third of these deaths translate as follows:

OVER 180,000 PEOPLE DIED FROM TOBACCO USE IN 2006 (including over 16,000 deaths from second-hand smoke exposure) and these deaths could have been prevented "if" these people had not been using tobacco products or had they quit!!!

Also, according to the American Cancer Society, another amazing one third or over 180,000 people died in 2006, due to other preventable problems plaguing men, women and children of all ages:

These problems are OBESITY AND PHYSICAL INACTIVITY.If you are a smoker, have diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, heart disease, are overweight or obese and physically inactive, PLEASE HEAR THE WARNING:YOU ARE NOW IN IMMINENT AND LIFE-THREATENING DANGER.

Although in this book I am addressing smokers, many smokers are obese and inactive, which compounds and complicates the problem and showing them stop smoking benefits. As you become tobacco-free weight gain can become an issue so in chapter 4 obesity, weight management, weight loss, learning how to build good habits, making balanced food and activity choices will be discussed in detail.

Then, according to the American Cancer Society, 360,000 people died in 2006, and more will die every year from preventable forms of cancer!Mind you, these deaths are cancer-related only. Hundreds of thousands who are smokers and/or who suffer from obesity, being overweight and/or leading sedentary lives, die from other diseases as well.

Worldwide, the story is even more eye-popping and heartbreaking. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over a whopping

5 million people die, worldwide, every year from tobacco products.

Also, according to the World Health Organization, if people continue to smoke, following the same trends, then a startling

650 million people will die worldwide in the next 4 or 5 decades from smoking-related illnesses.

All of this CAN be prevented.

Please read this following statement in 2007, quoted from The World Health Organization website , from an article titled "Why is tobacco a public health priority" in the "Tobacco Free Initiative" section:

"�tobacco kills people at the height of their productivity, depriving families of breadwinners and nations of a healthy workforce. Tobacco users are also less productive due to increased sickness. A 1994 report estimated that the use of tobacco resulted in an annual global net loss of 2 trillion U.S. Dollars, a third of this loss being in developing countries."

Pharmacist George Tohme and author of Lifestyle Makeover for All Tobacco Users:

George F. Tohme, pharmacist, is a graduate of the Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA in 1987 and currently practicing in Texas. He is certified in diabetes and cholesterol management, smoking cessation, nutrition guidance, and a certified personal trainer. He is a lifestyle makeover expert and conquered his own 17-year battle with obesity. He is the author of Lifestyle Makeover for All Couch Potatoes, Lifestyle Makeover for All Tobacco Users, Lifestyle Makeover: Defeat High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure, Lifestyle Makeover: Sex, Stress, and Alcohol at

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Thursday 13 September 2012

Porsche History 101 - Autos - Classics

A classic Porsche car is a piece of history. It is amazing to look and see just how far Porsche has come. Why not buy and drive a classic Porsche car today? You will be glad you did. Porsche is a classic car brand which has a rich history since the company was started in the late 1800's. The cars got its names after the founder Ferdinand Porsche. He was born in 1875 and was from Austria. Ferdinand Porsche not only created the first Porsche cars, but also created the Volkswagen beetle.

In 1937, he was awarded the German National Prize for Art and Science by none other than Hitler himself. The award was a very rare, and that just goes to show how talented he actually was. In 1901, Ferdinand Porsche made the very first gas/battery hybrid car. Part of his biggest achievements is the fact that their cars are some of the fastest in the world.

It was no different even when the first Porsche cars were still around. Now these were not really cars such as the ones we have today, they were buggies. They were basically horseless carriages with tires like a bicycle: tall and skinny. Ferdinand Porsche's hybrid car broke many speed records of the time and even won the Exelberg Rally in 1901. Ferdinand Porsche was the actual driver of the car during that rally.

The speed records were not set very high at the time for a motorized vehicle. The hybrid Porsche had a max speed of just 35 miles per hour: it may not sound like a lot, but the only other way to get around at the time was a horse and a horse can't sustain 35 miles per hour for very long if at all. Now also consider that this is a horseless buggy and that suspensions and a soft ride were probably not a part of the equation. If you were to turn too fast on a curve and being that the buggy sat up so high, you could easily tip it over: so 35 miles per hour would be quite fast for an old Porsche classic car such as the hybrid buggy.

Mr. Porsche first worked for the Austro-Diamler company. He was their chief designer and helped make some good cars, but still not under his own name. He later quit Austro-Diamler because they did not agree with the direction towards which cars headed. It was not until 1931 that Ferdinand Porsche founded his own firm. It was titled and still is today, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG.

In 1934, Hitler wanted to make it so that every German had a car or tractor. Porsche was to build 3 prototypes from designs he had already made. The car he made for Hitler was the Volkswagen beetle which we know today. Some people today refer to a Porsche as being a supped up Volkswagen. Today, Porsche owns a large stake in the Volkswagen company, and if you look at the headlights on the beetle and the turbo 911, they look very similar. Volkswagen means "the people's car", and the very first one was the Volkswagen beetle.

The very first car to carry the Porsche name was the model 356. This first Porsche car was made in an old saw mill and they built 49 cars all by hand. This Porsche classic car is definitely worth a lot today. It was not until 1953 that the famous Porsche emblem or badge was placed on the cars. The 356 was made for 17 years and in 1965, the last classic Porsche 356 model left the production line.

One of the most famous models of Porsche was introduced by "Butzi" Porsche on September 12, 1963. It was just a prototype at the time, but it would become a classic long running car. The prototype was called the 901 or what we call the 911 today.

It was not until August 1964 that the first 901 could be sold to a customer. The 901 number had to be changed because of a patent on 3 numbers with a zero in the middle, so it was changed to 911. The 911 turbo is an amazing car today: one of the fastest around, but just look at its history. It would be hard to find a classic Porsche car nowadays. You can find classic Porsche cars if you search carefully enough, but the price people would want for them is not for those with a small budget. If you were to find a classic Porsche 356, one of the first ones, they are pretty much priceless. If the owner knew what they had, then it would be very hard and very expensive to get the owner to sell the car in question.

From the first Porsche 356 to the latest 911 Turbo, you can find everything you may need here. Looking for a 911 in good condition but at a cheap price? Our website might just make it possible for you to make the best deal of your life. We have what you are looking for at prices nobody can beat, so what are you waiting for?

Find Your Porsche Classic Car

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An Analysis of Virginia Woolf's Orlando - Art - Literature

Virginia Woolf's Orlando is an experimental novel that explores and parodies many literary conventions. Written initially as a 'joke', it has come to be regarded as characteristic of 'high' modernism, in that it emerged in the late 1920s, when the modernist movement was considered to be in full maturity. Central to the project of inventing a modernist sensibility were concerns of the coming and the nature of this 'modernity', themes which Woolf self-consciously adopts as a subject for Orlando. So although the novel was conceived in a light-hearted vein, there is an underlying level of seriousness in Woolf's undertaking of it.

A fascination in how history is represented in literature forms a central part of Orlando. Woolf appears to have had an interest with the literary techniques and devices previous writers used to bring past epochs to life. In terms of form, Orlando takes the established genres of history and biography, and experiments with them on a grand scale. Woolf appears to have been profoundly dissatisfied with the methods that she had inherited from the Victorian and Edwardian writers employed in history and biography. This could be considered to indicate a greater discontent with the literary styles of the recent present in general in depicting the distant past. Woolf's intentions therefore are inextricably associated with the nature of time and consciousness, in a prose narrative.

In terms of genre, Orlando is very difficult to categorize. It was first conceived as a biography, and on initial acquaintance it would appear to be a biography, indicated mainly by the subtitle, however even some consideration of the title itself would call this into question. The name 'Orlando' itself sounds familiar, mainly on account of it featuring in several medieval poems and also as the name of the lover of the sexually ambiguous Rosalind in Shakespeare's As You Like It (1599-1600). The name is somewhat literary in its alluding to earlier works. Even the briefest of perusals would dispel any assumptions of Orlando being a biography, beginning with the implicit irony of the opening line: "HE - for there could be no doubt of his sex, though the fashion of the time did something to disguise it" (1; p.13). There is generally no doubt as to the gender of a biographical subject therefore such a line is curiously redundant. Although the fact that Orlando changes sex halfw ay through the biography is also of note.

The character of Orlando is strongly identified with Vita Sackville-West, an aristocrat who was also a writer and Woolf's lover; she features in the photographic illustrations for the novel. Woolf had been eager to depict several of her friends as fictional characters in a story, a type of novel known as a roman-a-clef (literally, a story with a key). In the end however, only Vita remained as a potent influence on Orlando.

The narrative of Orlando spans almost four hundred years, beginning in the Elizabethan era and finishing in 1928, the year Woolf produced it. By incorporating Vita Sackville-West into its narrative structure, Woolf was essentially taking a figure from the present and applying them to the past. Orlando's loves broadly fictionalize many of Vita's real-life love affairs and her open marriage, however, perhaps more importantly; Orlando's house is modelled on Sackville-West's beloved family home, Knole, in Kent. The central setting of Woolf's novel is Orlando's house, a location which forms an essential part in the narrative. A key moment in the story is the lawsuit over Orlando's right to inherit her house, an event similar to Vita's own exclusion from inheriting Knole, due to the process of primogeniture.

The nature of Vita's presence in Orlando is also related to issues of class. Since the mid-eighteenth century, a type of biography and autobiography emerged which featured a middle-class writer effectively immortalizing themselves by entering into print - Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Confessions (1781-8) is an example of this. Being of the aristocracy however, Vita wouldn't generally be regarded as being subject to the same biological/biographical time-clock as an author such as Rousseau; her class are generally regarded in terms of family lineage rather than a single person.

Woolf's dissatisfaction with the representation of 'the real' in Victorian biography is also echoed in her disdain for Edwardian realism, at least the kind of realist novels produced by authors such as Arnold Bennett. Her essay 'Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown' (1924) is generally read as an account of the move from Edwardian realism to 'high' modernism. She regarded the representational tools employed by Bennett and others as 'ugly', 'clumsy' and 'incongruous', overburdened with an obsessive interest in facts and details. She believed that Edwardian writers sacrificed the depiction of character in favour of imparting trivial information.

In its account of the preceding four hundred years, Orlando makes radical departures from the representational devices of Edwardian realists like Bennett. It isn't particularly interested in dates and facts, but instead sets out to establish Orlando within what could be termed the 'spirit of the age'. This raises all sorts of questions in regards to characterization; the most pressing being whether a character's consciousness is already preset or is determined by the period in which they live, a question particularly pertinent to a person who survives several historical epochs!

Woolf's portrayal of Orlando is largely derived from the literature of these times, turning history and biography into a pageant of literary fashions. For example, the Elizabethan era sees Orlando as dashing, enthusiastic and mildly androgynous. These attributes were supposed by modernists to pertain to Shakespearean drama. The Jacobean Orlando suffers from textbook melancholy while the Restoration Orlando becomes an ambassador within a narrative of Constantinople. Later in the text, Orlando will make his/her way through a series of narrative plots characteristic of each historical period. However when Orlando arrives at the present day (1928), Woolf depicts modern times as being more precarious and harder to inhabit than previous epochs, as there are no established narratives.

The concept of time clearly plays a significant role in Orlando as the nature of past, present and future are all addressed within the text. Virginia Woolf appears dissatisfied with her present and the prevailing modes of Victorian biography and Edwardian realism. Through an analysis of Orlando, the notion of the past is certainly questioned, an obvious point being that it covers an enormous area. Woolf seems to identify more with the Elizabethan, Jacobean and Restoration eras than she does the Victorians. However, in the figures of Knole, and Vita Sackville-West, she also displays a fondness for the aristocracy. On the basis of these findings, it may be possible to conclude that certain opinions a writer may have about a specific subject contemporaneous to their time, might determine their views of some particular phenomena from the past.

Interested in reading more about Orlando? Then why not visit my website The Literary Index where you'll find links to many academic essays regarding Virginia Woolf Literary Criticism.

Ben H. Wright is an independent scholar and researcher, and webmaster of The Literary Index.

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