Sunday 16 September 2012

Natural Killer Cells Breakthrough Treatment For Stage 4 Breast Cancer and Stage 4 Cancer - Health - Cancer

=> Immunotherapy Escalates War on stage 4 Breast Cancer and stage 4 cancer

The field of cancer immunology is, to date, more than 30 years old, and has advanced rapidly, with definitive speed over the last 10 years. Immunotherapy, the use of the stimulated immune system to effectively battle disease, has clustered into various subsets including immune system growth factors, monoclonal antibodies, cellular therapies, and, in some cases, combinations of two or more of these strategies. Recent advances in adoptive immunotherapy (focused on the expansion of specific disease-fighting white blood cells and their infusion into patients) have led to profound discoveries that will undoubtedly impact the treatment of stage 4 breast cancer and other stage 4 cancer over the expanse of the next ten years.

=> Traditional Breast Cancer Protocols Come Up Far Too Short

Breast cancer treatment in the early stages has, for an extensive period of time, been mostly confined to lumpectomy, combined with radio and chemotherapy to increase survival. With late stage or stage 4 breast cancer we typically witness a similar focus, however, it is not uncommon to see additional forms of radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatments if the patient had grown refractory to the initial regimen.

Immunotherapy provides an innovative way of targeting metastasis and pinpointing the primary site all at one time. Data clearly shows that as tumors and cancer stages progress so do immune blocking mechanisms deemed(up regulated) by cancers to self-protect. By depleting such negative factors and integrating a specialized cancer vaccine that employs the body's own natural killer cells - Envita has instituted a powerful and ambitious method designed to tackle stage 4 breast cancer and other stage 4 cancer.

=> Stage 4 Breast Cancer and other stage 4 cancer Immunotherapy has a Clear Leader: Envita

Multitudes of published studies have demonstrated the effects of adoptive immune therapy in cancer patients. Envita's renowned team of dedicated specialists assessed the foremost of these studies and focused on the strengths and inconsistencies of each. Their intense research established a protocol that incorporates only the prime procedures for the expansion and application of cells as a powerful immunotherapy. Our protocols are based on the most recent published research in the field, from a plethora of the most prestigious hospitals and universities, both national and global.

=> The Cells in Your Body that Cancer Fears, Critical to Stage 4 Cancer patients

It is decidedly common knowledge among scientists and physicians that three types of white blood cells can be activated by the immune system to kill cancer cells: cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer cells (NKs), and natural killer T cells (NKTs). These cells can be found circulating in the body in low amounts; however, they are clearly a major first-line immune system cancer defense

=> NKs for Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patients

Over the past 20 years, scientific studies have repeatedly documented that breast cancer patients have significantly lower levels of natural killer cells than healthy individuals.1-3 Additionally, NK and NKT function is observably lower in those stricken with breast cancer, indicating severe impairment of the the immune system.2-5

Research findings also relate that progression of disease in these particular patients is associated with decreasing NK activity, and that individuals with a significant family history of breast cancer had lower NK cell activity than people with minor family history of breast cancer.4,6 This basically suggests that defects in NK activity itself may actually contribute to the onset of breast cancer.6 It is noted, without appreciable surprise, that breast cancer patients typically have low levels of interferon-gamma, a major growth factor for NK cells that is naturally produced by the body.3

=> Stage 4 Cancer and Stage 4 Breast Cancer Patients Find NKs are Key

Despite the impairments in NK and NKT cell number and function seen in cancer patients, these cells have been successfully harvested in patients via advanced laboratory techniques - providing the necessary cellular resources for effective immunotherapy.3,5 Published research from Stanford University, the Mayo Clinic, and Harvard University has recently illustrated and supported the importance of natural killer cells and natural killer T cells in patients afflicted with cancer.

In fact, adoptive immunotherapy composed of NK cell infusions has the capacity to instigate clinical regressions in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease, and leukemia. Moreover, NK cells and cytotoxic T lymphocytes have also been utilized in breast cancer patients with clinical successes noted.7,8 In patients with metastatic breast cancer, NK infusion was well-tolerated and resulted in complete response in 20% of patients.7 In 6 out of 16 patients infused with activated T lymphocytes, objective tumor regressions were observed.8 In animal models of breast cancer, the anti-tumor effects of agents such as interleukin-2 and interleukin-12 were determined to be dependent on NK cells.9,10 Additionally, the presence of activated NK cells and other tumor-fighting immune cells have proven to be major factors in the response of cancer patients to drugs including thaliodomide, Gleevec, and paclitaxel.11-13

=> Envita Immunotherapy - Giving Stage 4 Breast Cancer the "One-Two" Punch

Envita Natural Medical Center is currently utilizing NK cells and CTLs as supportive immunotherapy for cancer patients. Envita's proprietary immune therapy vaccine is referenced as AAIT (for autologous adoptive immune therapy,) and there are 4 major cell types involved - the overall majority being natural killer cells and T cells. The types of cells that make up Envita's treatment are hence listed below:

=> � Natural killer cells=> � Natural killer T cells=> � Cytokine-induced killer cells=> � Cytotoxic T lymphocytes

The vaccine(s) is compiled by expanding a patient's own antitumor immune cells into the billions. These cells are then analyzed for activation markers and tested for their ability to eradicate cancer cells in the laboratory, then subsequently re-infused into the patient.

Enhancement of the immune system is a major benefit in the stampede against cancer, but this vaccine-driven routine may be added upon through subtraction. Simply stated, we can indeed improve results by not only bolstering critical components of the immune system, but simultaneously depleting it of negative factors that impede its functionality.It is common knowledge that cancer cells effect the release of T-regulatory cells, or "negative T cells." The numbers of these cells correlate directly with specific cancer stages - respective to each cancer type. The more advanced the cancer, the higher the T-regulatory cells.

Naturally, through intervention and acting to deplete these cells, along with other key enzymes that block critical immune system, cancer cell-killing action will be accelerated exponentially. Imagine one's immune system being targeted and at the ready, yet something in the body suddenly applies the brakes. This is precisely what most advanced cancer patients are confronted with, regarding high regulatory T cells. Envita's treatment protocols create a targeted vaccine by incorporating the body's most powerful cancer killers, but also depletes the portion of the immune system that inhibits the body from functioning efficiently. Be advised, there is no treatment (conventional or alternative) that can be effective in the later stages of cancer if these negative T-cells are not effectively down-regulated.

Unlike other immunotherapies found in the published literature, Envita's AAIT can be used as a solo treatment. AAIT can also be administered in conjunction with additional therapies that will serve to enhance the effects of cells once they are in the patient. This is a key improvement over many of the studies in the published scientific literature. Envita's AAIT therapy is not just focused on expansion of cells in the laboratory; the ultimate goal is to also keep them activated after they are infused back into the body.

=> Envita Mexico has AAIT Ready and Waiting

The activated natural killer cells in Envita's AAIT are considerably more effective in the realm of tumor obliteration than other similar treatments offered either in Mexico or worldwide. Evidenced by scientific research and clinical results, Envita's AAIT offers a powerful option for those stage 4 breast cancer patients, who are aiming to wage war against cancer while keeping their immune system intact. If you have queries concerning Envita's AAIT, please consult with our team of physicians and patient educators. This particular therapy is offered in Envita Mexico's international cancer center.

=> References

1)Balch CM, Tilden AB, Dougherty PA, Cloud GA. Depressed levels of granular lymphocytes with natural killer (NK) cell function in 247 cancer patients. Ann Surg. 1983 Aug;198(2):192-9.

2)Konjevic G, Spuzic I. Evaluation of different effects of sera of breast cancer patients on the activity of natural killer cells. J Clin Lab Immunol. 1992;38(2):83-93.

3)Caras I, Grigorescu A, Stavaru C, Radu DL, Mogos I, Szegli G, Salageanu A. Evidence for immune defects in breast and lung cancer patients. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2004 Dec;53(12):1146-52.

4)Garner WL, Minton JP, James AG, Hoffmann CC. Human breast cancer and impaired NK cell function. J Surg Oncol. 1983 Sep;24(1):64-6.

5)Crough T, Purdie DM, Okai M, Maksoud A, Nieda M, Nicol AJ. Modulation of human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) NKT cells by age, malignancy and conventional anticancer therapies. Br J Cancer. 2004 Nov 29;91(11):1880-6.

6)Strayer DR, Carter WA, Brodsky I. Familial occurrence of breast cancer is associated with reduced natural killer cytotoxicity. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 1986;7(3):187-92.

7)deMagalhaes-Silverman M, Donnenberg A, Lembersky B, Elder E, Lister J, Rybka W, Whiteside T, Ball E. Posttransplant adoptive immunotherapy with activated natural killer cells in patients with metastatic breast cancer. J Immunother. 2000 Jan;23(1):154-60.

8)Bishop MR, Fowler DH, Marchigiani D, Castro K, Kasten-Sportes C, Steinberg SM, Gea-Banacloche JC, Dean R, Chow CK, Carter C, Read EJ, Leitman S, Gress R. Allogeneic lymphocytes induce tumor regression of advanced metastatic breast cancer. J Clin Oncol. 2004 Oct 1;22(19):3886-92.

9)Divino CM, Chen SH, Yang W, Thung S, Brower ST, Woo SL. Anti-tumor immunity induced by interleukin-12 gene therapy in a metastatic model of breast cancer is mediated by natural killer cells. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2000 Mar;60(2):129-34.

10)Joshi SS, Tarantolo SR, Kuszynski CA, Kessinger A. Antitumor therapeutic potential of activated human umbilical cord blood cells against leukemia and breast cancer. Clin Cancer Res. 2000 Nov;6(11):4351-8.

11)Hayashi T, Hideshima T, Akiyama M, Podar K, Yasui H, Raje N, Kumar S, Chauhan D, Treon SP, Richardson P, Anderson KC. Molecular mechanisms whereby immunomodulatory drugs activate natural killer cells: clinical application. Br J Haematol. 2005 Jan;128(2):192-203.

12)Borg C, Terme M, Taieb J, Menard C, Flament C, Robert C, Maruyama K, Wakasugi H, Angevin E, Thielemans K, Le Cesne A, Chung-Scott V, Lazar V, Tchou I, Crepineau F, Lemoine F, Bernard J, Fletcher JA, Turhan A, Blay JY, Spatz A, Emile JF, Heinrich MC, Mecheri S, Tursz T, Zitvogel L. Novel mode of action of c-kit tyrosine kinase inhibitors leading to NK cell-dependent antitumor effects. J Clin Invest. 2004 Aug;114(3):379-88.

13)Kubo M, Morisaki T, Matsumoto K, Tasaki A, Yamanaka N, Nakashima H, Kuroki H, Nakamura K, Nakamura M, Katano M. Paclitaxel probably enhances cytotoxicity of natural killer cells against breast carcinoma cells by increasing perforin production. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2005 May;54(5):468-76. Epub 2004 Dec 9.

Immunotherapy Envita is one of the leading natural medical centers in the U.S. and abroad. Envita treats a large range of conditions, and our mainly focused areas such as cancer, disease, heart disease, For more Informations Please Visit Our Website.

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