Friday 27 July 2012

Phil Knight Say "Just Do I"t - Web 2.0 - Blogs

The phrase 'Just Do It' has become a legendary mantra of self-sufficiency, rugged individualism and fearlessness. If you look deeply enough you can see that there is much more to the statement than meets the eye. Oft times in life we just have to face our fears and do it (whatever "it" is) anyway. Phil Knight had fears just as most people do when it comes to starting something new, but Phil Knight did it anyway.

Nike is a household name that came out of necessity. Mr. Knight was a great track athlete in the late 50's when he starred as a miler at Oregon. He experimented with different techniques to improve his times. He was very good. Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute mile in 1954 and Phil's best times were 4:10. Not bad. That being said, Phil Knight decided that there was a better shoe that could be made in Japan as opposed to the shoes that were being made in Germany at the time.

In 1962 Knight wrote a term paper for one of his graduate school courses. The paper was titled, "Can Japanese Sports Shoes Do to German Sports Shoes what Japanese Camera's Did to German Camera's?" Now just look at the time in between 1971 when Knight's first shoe sold out and that term paper in 1962. In less than 10 years Knight created an unstoppable force by just doing it!

I did a little research into what Mr. Knight is worth today. The man is worth a cool 10 billion dollars. I am not saying someone reading this article can be worth 10 billion dollars like Phil Knight is today and I am not saying that saying that someone reading (or writing) this article cannot be worth 10 billion within the next decade. I am saying that it is possible. That's huge. Sit with it for a minute...

It is possible for you or me to manifest a net worth of over 10 billion dollars in the 10 years. And before you start rolling yours eyes chew on this wise quote by Mr. Henry Ford, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right."

It is possible for you to keep doing the same thing for the rest of your life and to keep getting what you've always gotten till your life is over. Or it is possible for you to 'JUST DO IT' (whatever 'IT' is) and change your life for the better forever. It is possible!

There is something very special about the world possible. It can be used in a positive manner such as, "I think it's possible to do this or that." Or it can be used in a negative capacity as in, "Man, that's just not possible." Either way the person saying it is right. How would this tie into becoming successful in real estate? The thing I try to impress on individuals daily is that time is on your side. Donald Trump did not become "The Donald" overnight and neither will you.

Take daily consistent actions towards your goals. Empower yourself and improve your odds by first educating yourself. Phil Knight was a track athlete who studied the game and went to earn a Master's degree to further enhance his success. I'm not saying you need to take the exact same route that Phil or even Donald Trump took (he has a Master's degree from the Wharton School of Business). I am saying that you need to define your own goals, dreams and aspirations and go for them doggedly. If your goal requires a Master's degree, get registered for college. If it requires excellent physical condition, join a gym and hire a personal trainer. What ever your dreams or goals require you to possess in order to manifest them--just do it!

The main thing I want to impart on those willing to risk their time, energy, efforts, and money is to take steps daily to improve your chances of success. Take specialty classes like real estate training courses and take courses specifically for your field of choice. Someone asked me once why I continue to go to seminars and continue to read books on my field. I answered with the following the question, "Would you go to a doctor or a lawyer who was not current on new cutting edge techniques or new laws that could help there clients win?" Most respond with a resounding "NO!" to that question. Yet I get the same question on a daily basis. Things change daily and so should you. There is no such thing as learning to much when it comes to reaching your highest goals and embracing your fondest dreams.

In closing, PREPARE! Increase your chances of succeeding in real estate by educating yourself with specific classes that can get you to your desired goals faster and more efficiently. Explore the possibilities. If you could invest 5K today and in 12 months it could pay you back 60k, would that be a good investment or a bad one? Do you understand how to evaluate an investment such as that? Do you know what your ROI (return on investment) ought to be with that amount of money over that length of time? Would you like to understand how money grows and how real estate investing really works? My guess is that you do or you would not be reading this message. You'd be off watching celebrity gossip, whining about gas prices or text messaging your neighbor about some trivial pursuit.

You are reading this message and that means that your possibilities have already greatly increased. With a few good mentors, the proper education in a reputable real estate course and a little common sense and diligence on your part, you can drastically change your life. You can tap into your own inner power to be free. You are serious about changing your life and learning how to generate wealth through real estate investing. You just need to surround yourself with like-minded people. You need real solid information, assistance, direction and encouragement from people who understand the field. You need to stop wasting time and get started on building the rest of your life.

A group of us are meeting this week. Some Power to Be Free members are new to real estate investing. Some have been involved for a couple of years, are making a little money and are now ready to learn more and earn more. Some are real estate investing millionaires who want to show others how to do what they do. Too many people will never make this meeting. They will never know what we have to teach them. This is your opportunity to expand your possibilities and learn what too many people just do not know. So, please, don't just think about coming to the meeting.

In the Words of Phil Knight "Just Do It"

Darrick H Scruggs


The Power to Be Free

Darrick H ScruggsCEOThe Power to Be Free

Website Design

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