Sunday 26 August 2012


You cannot distinguish between black and black colour or white and white colour because the colours are one. We can only separate black clour from white color Consequently, based on the fact that ancient Israelis were blacks as their natural colour, leprosy infection is always describes as "White sport on their bodies". During infection, their original black skin pealed off and became " As white as snow" if it is full blown on infection but the minor infection could be "white spots" on the infected part of the body. Evidently, Miram Moses Sister and Gahazi Prophet Elisha's servant had full blown infection of leprosy and their body became "as white. as snow" as their black skin changed to white. If leprosy affect a white man that part of the body affected will turn red. It cannot change to white because already his natural colour is white. This one of the outstanding proof that ancient Israelis were blacks not whites. (Num. 12:10 and 2 Kings 5:25-27).

Now BBC London came up with an astonishing report that ancient Israelis were blacks not whites based on scientific research. According to a DVD produced by BBC titled "SON OF GOD" and subtitle "BIBLICAL COLLECTIONS"; the DVD front cover showing the face of Jesus Christ wearing the crown of thorns with blood dripping all over his face. The DVD is all about the biblical story of Joshua, King David, Apostle Paul, Mary Magdalene and others. They used real black people to illustrate all the biblical stories related to those people not even a white man is involved.

According to the DVD, British scientists analyzed the human skull of ancient Israelis and European. In course of their analysis, they disclosed that the two skull are not the same based on the fact that the European skull is narrow at the top and light but that of the Israelis is broad at the top and heavier that the European skull and that they have the same skull with any other Africans and adding that they live in a climatic condition where the sun is hotter than in Europe. The DVD furthermore illustrates how Jesus Christ would have looked like as a black man with a broad face using the skull as an example.

Apart from the scientific proof that ancient Israelis were blacks, the colour of people changes from one generation to another naturally. For example Jacob was able to change the colour of his sheep to distinguish them from Laban's sheep through the pregnant ones which automatically picture his drawings of the spotted sheep and give birth to the same spotted ones (Gen. 30:37-43).

In most cases, the majority colours absorb the minority colors due to inter-marriages, climatic condition and being very familiar with people of the colour you love or hate . For example, a black couple can give birth to white child and white couple can give birth to black child. Marrying of foreign wives from Arab and African origin were very common among the people of ancient Israel. For example, Joseph was married to Egyptian maid of Africa of black colour who became the mother of the tribe of Manasseh and Ephraim. Moses and the Ethiopian woman he married after the dead of this wife Zeporah

Similarly, King Solomon married Pharaoh's daughter the Egyptian maid who became the first lady of Israel; he also had a son with the Queen of Sheba of Ethiopia called "Menelec" who became the father of the black Jews of Euthopia called "Falashas". Israel airlifted several thousands of them to Israel one in 1984 called "OPERATION MOSES" and the other in 1990 called "OPERATION SOLOMON" They are called black Jews today as they distinguish between them and those white Jews in Israel. So many others like David and others married several wives from Arab and African countries. Their departure from Egypt was a mix multitude of blacks and Arab origin that are not originally Israelis.

Ancient Israelis armies consisted of several foreigners from Arab and African origin. For example, Uriah was a Hittites being a black Canaanites; so his wife was a black lady who gave birth to King Solomon the linage of the Messiah the Son of David.

So the combination of those foreigners with the people of Israel formed the nation called "Israel" who accompanied them to the battle field under the religion of Judaism whose founder was Moses.


Now based on the BBC report, it is now evident that Abraham was a descendant of Ham not Shem. Noah three sons were Shem, Ham and Japhet. Shem is the father of the European nations, Ham is the father of the Arabs and the black nations while Japheth is the father of the Asian nations. Abraham was a Babylonian and Babylon was the ancient capital city of Iraq. Recently, the American Soldiers captured Abraham home village where he was born and grew up called "UR of Chadian" and handed over to Iraq authorities before they finally packed out of Iraq and this country is located in the territory of Ham not Shem according to the bible. More evidently, one of the sons of Ham was Ethiopia here in Africa whose son called "Nimrod" became the first king to rule the whole world when the people were speaking one language and who built the tower of Babel latter called "Babylon" in iraq and Babylon was within the land of Ham and not Shem. Ham sons are Cush (Ethiopia) the father of King Nimro d, Mizram (Egypt) Put (Libya) and Canaan (whose land the Israelis latter occupied). (Gen. 10:6-10, 11:1-8, 28-32). Based on this evident it is now clear that there was a twist of history in the bible before it was compiled by the early European Christians known as the "Canons" These Canons compiled the 66 books of the bible. All where European whites. With these opportunity, they removed and changed several historical facts that relates to the Arab and black race in the bible. Making the bible becomes entirely a European affair that God is a white man and all his angels are whites and Satan is a black man and his angels are blacks because anything black is Satan. The bible was compiled at the time the slave trade was at its peak and the blacks were prime victim of slave trade and when Israel were among black people long before the birth of Christ.

The blacks were used to work as slaves in European plantation because they have the energy to work and stronger than the Europeans. The slave trade continued after the ascension of Jesus Christ long before the bible was compiled.

Under such humiliation the blacks were passing through and being the time the European missionaries were spreading the gospel all over Africa and other parts of the world through the slave trade route discovered by their early European explorers it was quite impossible to maintain that the black man has any positive rule to play in the history of the bible based on the fact that according to their report in the bible Abraham was a descendants of Shem - a real European; he was not associated with a black man so were the Israelis. More evidently, they also produced the world Atlas and placed people in continents they choose. So you have the continent of African, Asia, Europe and others and placed them in line with the bible history and locations based on their edited compilation. So they placed Turkey in Europe being a typical Arab county and Russia of Gog and Magog as part of Europe which should have been in Asia of Japheth instead. But because of Russian scientific advance ment they considered them as Europeans. Also although Turkey is an Arab country, they placed her in Europe considering the fact that Esau whose name was Edom was the founding father of Turkey the twin brother of Jacob. So they considered that since his twin brother Jacob the founder of the nation of Israel is considered as European, Abraham descendants, Turkey too must be in Europe. So Turkey is in Europe and a member of EEC.

But Russia always cooperates to defend all Asian nations against the west. As for Turkey she is always get confused as European nations are dragging her on one side as a member of EEC and Arab nations are dragging her on the other side as their brother. In most cases she is finding it very difficult to flow along with her fellow EEC member nations on matters involving Arab nations and the west like the current issue regarding the imposition of economic sanction on Iran regarding her nuclear program.

In another development, before the birth of Christ, several ancient books were written which revealed some of the actual historical truth regarding Abraham relationship with the black race. After the fall of the kingdom of Babel, Egypt in Africa the brother of Ethiopia born of the same father Ham took over power as the first world power to rule the earth and became the mother of civilization. Based on this background, the first university on earth was built in Egypt and also the biggest library on earth which contained most ancients books and records. Because of this University and its associated library, Egypt became the center of leaning all over the world and people came from different parts of the world to lean in Egypt and to carry on research and investigation.

As most of this ancients records may exposed the truth they might have changed or edited in the bible and considering African to become a centre of leaning, the biggest library was burned down. So that they can be no trace of such records that contradict to what they have changed in the bible in order to justify their claim that Abraham was a European and the ancient Israelis were whites not blacks.

So the whole bible become a European affair and Christianity become a European religion because they felt insulted for worshiping a black God in the person of Jesus Christ the Son of God considering what is fellow blacks were pass through as slaves in Europe just like Moses in Egypt. So they changed his clour from black to white in their drawings and changed the clour of all the ancients Israelis to white Europeans and no more black person except of Simeon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Jesus Christ. All others are white Europeans Jews according to their films and DVDs. One of the ancient drawings of the Blessed Mary show that she was a black woman breast feeding the infant Jesus called "Black Mardona" but they changed that drawing to European white woman and her son become a European child sucking his mother's breast. So all the pictures of Jesus Christ and film shows they used European Actors to act instead . Yet inspire of this changes they made, Jesus will still re turn from heaven as a black man. He will not change his color to please them. In the same color he ascended into heaven, in the exact color he will return from heaven on the day of judgment. (Acts 1:9-11)

Prophet Goodnews Adolphus receive the scroll from the hand of the angel spiritually in 1981 which he uses a guide for his research and teaching. See his blog for his teachings./

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