Friday 24 August 2012

The Music in Gossip Girl Episode 16 - "All About My Brother"

Starting from the beginning, as Georgina pretends to be Sarah and chats with Vanessa at her work the sounds of Good To Be Alive by Joey Sykes fills the cafe. The song fades a little into the background but the tune can still be heard as Dan enters the cafe and meets the two girls. Music follows Georgina all the way to Serena's place where a new tune picks up as she joins the family for dinner. Say (All I Need) by One Republic breaks in and out of the dinner conversation; a conversation where Georgina ends up outing Eric to his entire family.As Lily prepares for her wedding the perfect clips from Gossip Girl regulars The Kills, and classical music set the mood. While Lily is out and about Cheap and Cheerful by The Kills leads up to the moment that she runs into Rufus. As the two engage in a conversation over Jenny, Beethoven's, Sonata for Violin and Piano, No. 5 in F Major slowly starts to build up. The music gains in volume as Lily tries on her wedding dress and models it for Rufus, who obviously sees something he wants.Jenny's party requires music and the two songs that we here during this time totally set up the party and the drama that goes down. While Jenny is chatting with her friends and lying about her relationship with Asher Shut Up & Let Me Go by The Ting Tings can be heard playing. Things change up a little when Eric and Blair crash the party to out Asher; Paralyzer by Finger Eleven says it all.Finally, another selection by The Kills makes its way into another episode. When Serena is surprised to meet Dan's new friend, 'Sarah', U.R. A. Fever by The Kills plays. Later when Serena is confessing to Blair on the stairs the same song comes on again.

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